Welch Allyn 3.5V AutoStep Coaxial Ophthalmoscope-1 Each | Red | Small

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SKU 11730
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Welch Allyn 3.5V AutoStep Coaxial Ophthalmoscope-1 Each Patented Welch Allyn Coaxial Vision optics, combined with 68 lenses in single-diopter steps, for the precision you need to conduct a quality eye exam. Features :- Halogen HPX lamp illumination for true tissue color 18 unique aperture/filter combinations for greater versatility Polarizing filter virtually eliminates corneal reflection 68 lenses in single-diopter steps for precise resolution (+38 to -30) Compatible with all existing Welch Allyn 3.5 V power sources Look for the traditional "flat-top" design you've come to trust The following steps will help the physician obtain satisfactory results: For examination of the right eye, sit or stand at the patient™s right side. Select -0-on the illuminated lens dial of the ophthalmoscope and start with small aperture. Take the ophthalmoscope and start in the right hand and hold it vertically in front of your own right eye with the light beam directed toward the patient and place your right index finger on the edge of the lens dial so that you will be able to change lenses easily if necessary. Dim room lights. Instruct the patient to look straight ahead at a distant object. Position the ophthalmoscope about 6 inches (15cm) in front and slightly to the right (25°) of the patient and direct the light beam into the pupil. A red reflex should appear as you look through the pupil. Rest the left hand on the patient™s forehead and hold the upper lid of the eye near the eyelashes with the thumb. While the patient holds his fixation on the specified object, keep the reflex in view and slowly move toward the patient. The optic disc shouldcome into view when you are about 11/2 to 2 inches (3-5cm) from the patient. If it is not focused clearly, rotate lenses into the aperture with your index finger until the optic disc is as clearly visible as possible. The hyperopic, or far-sighted, eye requires more ˜plus™(black numbers) sphere for clear focus of the fundus; the myopic, or nearsighted, eye requires minus (red numbers) sphere for clear focus. Now examine thedisc for clarity ofoutline, color, elevation andcondition of thevessels. Follow each vessel as farto the periphery asyou can. To locate the macula, focus on the disc, then move the light approximately 2 disc diameters temporally. You may also have the patient look at the light of the ophthalmoscope, which will automatically place the macula in full view. Examine for abnormalities in the macula area. The red-free filter facilitates viewing of the center of the macula, or the fovea. To examine the extreme periphery, instruct the patient to: a) look up for examination of the superior retina b) look down for examination of the inferior retina c) look temporally for examination of the temporal retina d) look nasally for examination of the nasal retina. This routine will reveal almost any abnormality that occurs in the fundus. To examine the left eye, repeat the procedure outlined above except that you hold the ophthalmoscope in the left hand, stand at the patient™s left side and use your left eye. Welch Allyn 3.5V AutoStep Coaxial Ophthalmoscope-1 Each | Red | Small

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