KLST-2: Kindergarten Language Screening Test — Second Edition By Sharon Gauthier & Charles Madison
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KLST-2: Kindergarten Language Screening Test — Second Edition By Sharon Gauthier & Charles Madison
This individually administered screening test helps you identify children who need further diagnostic testing to determine whether or not they have language deficits that will accelerate academic failure. In 5 minutes, you’ll be able to identify a child who may fail academically because of a language deficit.
The KLST-2 is a thorough, quick language screener based on the original KLST, which has a 25-year history of use in the field. This edition is completely standardized and updated; some items have been modified, and the test has been normed. You will find this to be a user-friendly screening test that employs a number of psycho-linguistically relevant tasks.
Assess expressive and receptive language competence by screening the child’s ability to:
Demonstrate common preschool knowledge
Understand questions
Follow commands
Repeat sentences
Compare and contrast common objects
Use spontaneous speech
Thoroughly researched, the KLST-2 helps you obtain all of this information for individuals ages 3-6 through 6-11. The KLST-2 has strong predictive validity.
The KLST-2 was normed on a sample of 519 children, ages 4-0 through 6-11. Reliability coefficients through 4 test/retest studies were .82 or above. Criterion-related validity has been demonstrated through three studies that demonstrate correlations with PLS3, TOLD-P:3, and CELF-P.
Complete KLST-2 Kit Includes: Examiner’s Manual, 50 Profile/Examiner Record Forms, Picture Book, and 3 Picture Cards, all in a sturdy storage box. (©1998)