Patterson Medical PDMS-2 (Peabody Developmental Motor Scales - Second Edition)
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Patterson Medical PDMS-2 (Peabody Developmental Motor Scales - Second Edition)
The PDMS-2 (Peabody Developmental Motor Scales - Second Edition) has been improved based on research and feedback from users. The package provides in-depth assessment and training or remediation of gross and fine motor skills for children from birth through six years of age. Six subtests: reflexes, stationary, locomotion, object manipulation, grasping and visual-motor integration (VMI) measure interrelated motor abilities and has been standardized on over 2,000 children.
The PDMS-2 allows the user to determine:
Gross Motor Quotient
Fine Motor Quotient
Total Motor Quotient
New profile/summary form can be used to record a child's scores:
Age equivalents
Raw scores
Standard scores
The forms graphically display the child's performance to determine strengths, weaknesses, and progress. Kit includes:
25 new Examiner Record Booklets
Illustrated Guide for Administering and Scoring
25 profile forms
Activities program manual
Black and white Peabody Motor Development Chart
Manipulative and sturdy storage box