Pro-ed Preschool Apraxia Cards by Linda Mulstay-Muratore - 35025
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Pro-ed Preschool Apraxia Cards by Linda Mulstay-Muratore
Ages: 3-7Grades: PreK-2
Treat childhood apraxia of speech with appealing preschool pictures and a precise, organized hierarchy of word selections and prompts.
This 240-card set has an evidence-based progression, moving from basic syllable sequences to multisyllabic word production in sentences. The stimuli are phonetically-controlled which lets you introduce one phonemic variable at a time. Captivating art and age-appropriate vocabulary hold youngsters' attention.
The nine sections of stimuli are carefully arranged to give a precise progression of demand on the child's motor planning skills:
VC/CV (bee, up)
CVCno change in consonant (bib, nine)
CVCchange in consonant but not place (mop, sun)
CVCchange in consonant and place (bed, soap)
CVCVno change in consonant or vowel (no-no, cocoa)
CVCVchange in vowel but not consonant (baby, cookie)
CVCVchange in consonant and vowel (bunny, coffee)
CVCVC (lemon, carrot)
Multisyllabic (banana, fingernail)
A five-level cueing hierarchy on each card supports the progression of demand on motor planning. Move your student through all five cueing levels as his motor-planning skills improve.
Cueing hierarchy for sections 1 through 7:
Cloze sentence: My pants are too [loose].
Supply the rhyming word: Goose rhymes with [loose].
Answer a wh- question: What is the opposite of tight? loose
Say the target word three times: loose, loose, loose
Repeat a sentence that contains the target word: Say, "My shoe is loose."
Cueing hierarchy for sections 8 and 9:
Say the target word using forward chaining: Say "Fire." Say "Fire-fite."
Say "Fire-fite-er."
Cloze sentence: The fire was put out by the [firefighter].
Answer a wh- question: Who puts out fires? firefighter
Say the target word three times: firefighter, firefighter, firefighter
Repeat a sentence that contains the target word: Say, "Call the firefighter."
The 240 cards are further categorized with markers of the syllable type, sound placement, and vowels used in each word.
Complete Set Includes: 240, 3½" x 5" coated cards, and 9 header cards, all in a sturdy storage box. (©2010)