DAR-2: Diagnostic Assessments of Reading–Second Edition: Form A and Form B Classroom Combo Kit with TTS By Florence G. Roswell , Jeanne S. Chall , Mary E. Curtis & Gail Kearns

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DAR-2: Diagnostic Assessments of Reading–Second Edition: Form A and Form B Classroom Combo Kit with TTS By Florence G. Roswell , Jeanne S. Chall, Mary E. Curtis & Gail Kearns

Ages: 5-0 to Adult
Time: Approximately 40 minutes
Administration: Individual


Helps classroom teachers identify students who need help with reading
Identifies individuals or groups for reading instruction related to Title I Programs
Allows reading specialists and reading clinicians to diagnose a student's difficulties in reading
Provides an individualized approach to reading assessment for Adult Literacy Programs
Can be used with students of all ages and abilities
Offers a multilevel, ungraded format with simultaneous administration and scoring
The Diagnostic Assessments of Reading- Second Edition (DAR-2) provides a comprehensive assessment of individual student achievement in print awareness, phonological awareness, letters and sounds, word recognition, word analysis, oral reading accuracy and fluency, silent reading comprehension, spelling, and word meaning.

Scoring and Administration

The teacher/test administrator simultaneously administers and scores DAR tests, marking students' responses as correct, incorrect, or omitted. A mastery criterion has been set for each test, and the student continues with each test until a highest mastery level has been established.

Complete Dar-2 Form A & B Classroom Combo Includes:

Classroom Kit A (Teacher's Manual A, Student Book A, 30 Response Record Forms - A, and TTS for Five Users)
Classroom Kit B (Teacher's Manual B, Student Book B, 30 Response Record Forms - B, and TTS for Five Users)

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