Token Test for Children–Second Edition (TTFC-2) By Ronnie L. McGhee, David J. Ehrler, Frank DiSimoni
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Token Test for Children-Second Edition (TTFC-2) By Ronnie L. McGhee, David J. Ehrler, Frank DiSimoni
Ages: 3-0 to 12-11
Testing Time: 10-15 minutes
Administration: Individual
The Token Test for Children-Second Edition (TTFC-2) is a reliable and effective screening measure for assessing receptive language in children ages 3 years 0 months to 12 years 11 months. The administration is rapid, yielding raw scores, standard scores, percentile ranks, and age equivalents. The normed representative sample consists of 1,310 children, residing in 22 states.
TTFC-2 comes with 20 small tokens, varying in size (large and small), shape (round and square), and color (blue, green, yellow, white, and red). The child is given three opportunities to practice. The administrator then gives the child 46 linguistic commands, to which they must respond by manipulating the tokens. The commands are arranged in four parts of increasing difficulty and must be administered in consecutive order.
Complete TTFC-2 Kit Includes: Examiner's Manual, 50 Examiner Record Forms, and a Tokens Kit, all in a sturdy storage box.